Cartoon drawing of a man with a grey beard and glasses.

Martin Kenny's blog


Magnatune are not vandals

Tim Bray recently likened MP3 encoding of music to Vandalism, and again made the point in more detail when discussing a New York Times article about online music purchasing. While I agree that 128Kbps MP3s are not really up to scratch, it's worth noting that at least one online music vendor, Magnatune, lets you download your music in a number of different formats, including two lossless formats, and a couple of higher-than-usual-quality lossy formats.

Pervasive OFDM

Reading this article on Wireless USB, prompted me to think about just how pervasive the RF modulation known as OFDM is becoming. I'm someone who pretty much has to know how something works, once it enters my consciousness. So, in mid-2000, while researching Australia's chosen form of digital TV, Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T), I discovered a fascinating form of RF modulation, known as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).