I’ve started to implement my structured text ideas as PHP code.
Currently it handles levels of indenting Python-style, and uses them to determine nesting of lists and heading levels.
This allows me to do things like:
Have individual list items.
Some of which can contain
sub-paragraphs like this one.
As well as nested lists,
like this.
This section includes some gratuitous code:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
sprintf("i: %d", i);
} Some final closing remarks would go just about here.
What do I really want from structured text for a CMS?
My wish list, in a rough order of importance:
The ability to just type normal text and get paragraphs and probably line breaks (not that I use them often).
Lists–I tend to organize my thoughts in lists – often nested. So ideally lists should be nestable. It would be great if list items could contain whole multiple paragraphs too.